How and How Often Should You Clean a Litter Box?
As a cat owner, you are supposed to clean the litter box regularly for your feline friends. Cats are born to be picky, especially about cleanness.
However, how often should you clean the cat litter box? There is no one size fits all answer. It depends on various factors.
Whether you are already keeping cats or are going to get a cat or cats, learning how and how often to clean your cats’ litter boxes is a compulsory course.
Develop a good litter box cleaning habit
Dislike puppy parents, cat owners don’t need to go out to walk their dogs. But it requires cat owners like you to leave a comfortable and clean environment for your pal. Or else, you will be faced with cat litter box issues because most cats won’t use dirty litter boxes.
Worse yet, urinary tract infections are among the 5 main diseases of cats. And dirty litter boxes should be to blame.
So, keeping litter boxes clean plays an important role in keeping cats.
Litter box cleaning variables
Not all cat owners clean cat litter boxes in the same way. The frequency of cleaning cat litter boxes varies with several factors.
The top 2 influential factors should be what cat litter you buy for your cats and how many cats you keep in your home.
Type of cat litter
To know how and how often to clean the litter, we can divide cat litter types into two categories: clumping litter and non-clumping litter.
Clumping litter absorbs cat pee and clumps. It enables you to remove clumps with the litter shovel. After that, only the clean litter is left in the litter boxes of your cats. It needs to change less than once in two weeks.
If your cats are using non-clumping litter, it can’t suck cat urine as well as clumping litter. And some waste may even fall to the bottom of cats’ litter boxes. When cleaning, you must replace all the cat litter in the cat litter box.

It is obvious that the more cats you keep in your home, the more cat waste will be in cat litter boxes and the more frequently you will need to clean the litter boxes.
There are special cat litters for multiple-cat owners. There are ingredients that greatly control odors and help reduce the frequency of litter cleaning.
How to clean litter box: scoop and change

Scooping soiled cat litter from the litter box is not complex at all. There are only a few steps and it takes just a couple of minutes.
If you are a novice, Lionpapa has listed the basic process for you:
- Take your scoop from Litter Genie’s scoop holder. Dig down into the litter box to fill your scoop.
- Gently shake the scoop over the litter box. The clean cat litter will drop down to your litter box and the coated clumps of cat urine and feces stay in the scoop.
- Dump the clumps into your Litter Genie. Then repeat scooping clumps until there are no clumps in the cat litter box.
- Empty your Litter Genie when Lionpapa’s Litter Genie refill bag generic is full of clumps.

To change the litter box is to change out all the cat litter inside your cat’s litter box. It is the same for clumping cat litter and non-clumping cat litter.
- Tilt the litter box up to pour all the cat litter into your Litter Genie. You can use a scoop or other tools to scrape cat litter that is stuck to the inside of the litter box.
- Wash your cat’s litter box with warm soap water. Never wash the litter box for your feline friends with chemicals. Cats are sensitive to smell. If you do it, the smell of chemicals that lingers in the litter box will deter your cats from using litter boxes.
- Dry the litter boxes with towels or papers.
- Refill the litter box with 3-4 inches of fresh cat litter.