LIONPAPA Support 30 Days Money Back Guarantee

Condition: All the refund or return must be based on proof of purchase, such as an order ID or invoice from And the time will start counting when the customer receives the product.

Order Within 30 Days

  1. If the product received by the customer is damaged by shipping. And the product couldn't work normally because of the damage. The customer is able to get a replacement or refund, just provide the images of the damage package caused by shipping, we will check it and then send a replacement or refund.
  2. If the product has quality problems during use, and customer need to return the product. Contact us at e-mail and you will receive a label for the replacement or refund.
  3. If the customer changes his mind after receiving the product and needs to return or replace the product, the customer has to afford the round-trip shipping.

Order Over 30 Days

  1. If the product is within the warranty period of the manual, and needs to return. Contact us to get return label. LIONPAPA will refund 30% to 50% of the price.
  2. If the product is over the warranty period of the manual, LIONPAPA will help the customer to fix the problem but don't provide refunds or return service.

Return Address

If you want to return the product, contact us by email first, we will reply in 24 hours and send you a return label, the return address is on the label. Please do not send the product to the original address.

Time To Get The Refund

Once we issue a refund request to the bank, you will receive the correct refund amount within 72 hours.

Company Information

Company Name: Wisdom Gather Trading Company Limited


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